Marketing Services

Spark A Chain Reaction

Linked Media is a full-service marketing agency that offers everything from traditional media buying services including TV, radio, and print as well as innovative and cutting-edge digital advertising tactics across social media, display networks, and connected television.

All Your Needs Under One Roof

The best part about Linked Media is that all our services are executed under one roof. That means when you work with us, you have a strong team of in-house experts backing your entire campaign. Whether you’re new to advertising, a media buyer seeking help for certain aspects of campaign planning, or just want to switch up your marketing initiatives and take some of the heavy lifting off of your plate – we’ve got you covered.

Each of our team members is a link who specializes in their area of expertise. We work collaboratively to ensure that we are one strong media chain when planning and executing each of our customized campaigns. No two businesses are the same, so no approach or campaign should be the same either.

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We Make It Simple Because Marketing Can Feel Overwhelming

Traditional Media

Bring your business to conventional mass media platforms such as television, radio, outdoor & billboards, print, and direct mail.

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Although media consumption is more fragmented today than it has ever been with all our choices as consumers, traditional media such as television are still premier advertising destinations for marketers. Our philosophy is that while we embrace new technologies and adapt to the changes as they evolve, it’s still important to incorporate traditional media when reaching certain audiences by the masses. It’s all about efficiency in this category in order to avoid waste, and we know how to assess that upfront.

Social Media Paid Ads

Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Snapchat, etc… are individual platforms that require their own unique advertising strategies (and creative materials) to succeed.

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Social media advertising has become an essential part of digital marketing due to the widespread use of social platforms by billions of users worldwide. Today we utilize social media platforms to promote products, services, or brands to a targeted audience the same way a newspaper would in the 80’s and 90’s.

Social media advertising involves creating and running paid advertisements on social media networks to achieve specific marketing objectives, such as increasing brand awareness, driving website traffic, generating leads, or boosting sales. Depending on your business goals and business type, Linked Media will provide insight into the best use case for each social media network, ad creative formats, and target audiences. 

Social media advertising has proven to be a powerful tool for businesses and marketers to connect with their target audience, build brand awareness, and drive conversions. It offers a level of targeting and measurement that can make it highly cost-effective compared to traditional advertising methods.

Social Media Management

Keep your presence consistent, your business top of mind, and your brand followers engaged with social media management.

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You know your business better than anyone else and we know ours – our business is staying social! With the average person spending 35 minutes a day on Facebook alone according to ComScore, showcasing your brand 24/7 on social is imperative. You’re too busy running your business to handle this all day, every day you say? No worries – Linked Media to the rescue! We take a multi-faceted approach to represent your brand as if it were our own. Whether it’s rounding up social influencers that align well with your business for an event, a Grand Opening that you need help with, or a press release that needs to get out, we’ve got you covered. With our pre-planning, real-time execution, and monthly post-analysis reporting, you’ll think we’re on the team because we are.

Influencer Partnerships

Directly build and nurture relationships with your most valuable customers through the grassroots reach of social media influencers.

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A social media influencer is an individual who has established a significant presence and following on one or more social media platforms. These influencers are recognized for their expertise, knowledge, or charisma in a particular niche or industry, and they use their online presence to engage, influence, and inspire their audience. Social media influencers can have followers ranging from a few thousand to millions, and they often use their influence to promote products, services, causes, or ideas.

Collaborating with these influencers can add brand awareness, audience reach, and credibility to your business. Linked Media has the knowledge and experience to assist these individuals in spotlighting your business accurately and attaining measurable metrics from their support. 

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We’re certainly not in the business of being jacks of all trades but masters of none. That’s why our Search Engine Marketing Team focuses solely on Search Engines. We’re Google AdWords certified, plus we’ve earned our Google Partner badge! What that means to you is that we’ve demonstrated our expertise within the AdWords landscape as a whole and Google recognizes it – which doesn’t happen to just anyone. Let us use search engines to bring you front and center to customers directly searching for your products and services. You won’t be disappointed, and the results tend to speak for themselves before we even can.

Digital Advertising

Digital advertising has never been more personal, and personal means accuracy. Deliver personalized messaging catered to audiences across multiple devices.

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“Multi-screen” is a buzz word on the media streets, and while it scares most, we welcome it with open arms! In this day and age, people are accessing almost everything from some kind of device – whether it be their mobile, a tablet, a family desktop. According to data from Nielsen, Americans spend an average of 10 hours and 39 minutes consuming media across their devices. Specifically, five hours per day are spent just on mobile devices. You need to be relevant and know how to stand out regardless of where (or which screen) your audience is. Leveraging the right data combined with the right message will help you have a big impact – we know just the trick(s).

Our Digital Services

Data & Analytics

We collect, organize, analyze, and interpret advertising data to gain insights and make informed decisions for your business.

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We can determine success by setting clearly defined goals for specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-oriented goals. To understand what success looks like in your business, it’s common to choose from marketing goals such as: increasing brand awareness, generating leads, driving sales, or building customer loyalty.

We continuously track and analyze the performance of your marketing campaigns using key metrics and analytics tools. This helps us identify what is working and what needs improvement. These analytical insights allow us to refine your strategies, optimize your efforts, and allocate resources effectively.

When paired with a strong brand identity, crafting compelling content, and embracing creativity and innovations, your optimized marketing efforts will continue to reach your target audience efficiently and effectively across multiple marketing channels.



We understand your target audience, conduct research, and craft messages that resonate with their interests, motivations, and pain points.

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Copywriting is part science, part art. Crafting persuasive and compelling written content for advertising, marketing, sales, or communication is essential for capturing the attention of your audience, conveying your message, and inspiring action. 

The copy must tell a compelling story that highlights your product or service while clarifying your marketing goal and primary call to action. Together we want to understand your audience, emit empathy, harness creativity, and find the right voice that communicates persuasively. Whether we are writing advertisements, blog posts, email marketing campaigns, or any other form of content, we trust in our principles to create impactful and engaging copy.

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